Monday, January 24, 2011

Dairy and Egg Free Bagel Dogs

Pillsbury Breadsticks wrapped around all beef hot dogs with garlic salt sprinkled on top. Yummy!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

2010 Favorite Things

1. Bottle Couplers- I use these for everything from medicine, body wash and lotions to laundry spot removers. It pays for itself.

2. Turtle Mountains So Delicious Coconut Milk- We starting cooking with coconut milk recently. It's delicious and it is rarely an allergen. It's made cooking so much easier for our family. Sigh of relief. I started using coconut after visiting this blog: ALLERGY FRIENDLY, FAMILY FRIENDLY FOOD

3. Enjoy Life foods- their products are from the most common 8 allergens

4. Martha Stewart Carpet Spot Remover- This stuff is amazing, even on old stains. My 14 month old loves to throw food and this product is saving the carpet from his artistic expression.

5. Evernote- This has changed the way I organize all my papers, websites, cookbooks, EVERYTHING!!!!

New website to check out