Well we made it through Halloween without any allergic reactions. What a relief!!! I have a couple ideas for you and your child to make the candy hunting a little easier. I decided to take the head on approach. We collect candy and then I go through the candy with Fisher and tell him you can have this, but you can't have that. I want him to start learning now that he needs to be careful about what he puts in his mouth. I also made sure we had plenty of candy at our house to make up the difference with a few extra special treats picked out just for him, like a Halloween Pez, stickers, spider rings and fun stuff like that.
Just keep in mind, if your child is allergic to peanuts this may be too risky. Touching or breathing peanut dust can be detrimental. So there are other ways of getting around the" typical " trick or treating traditions without having your child feel left out. Here are a couple..
Trunk or Treat- My allergy group held one and we had a ton a fun without any candy what's so ever. Games, crafts and then all the parents decorated the back of their cars/trunks. All the children went trick or treating from car to car. Everyone passed out games, puzzles, airplanes, cars, all sorts of fun things. This idea is a lot of fun, but it does take a group of people and someone to organize it all. I suggest finding an allergy group in your area or starting one if you there isn't one already.
Trade it out- When you buy your child's plastic pumpkin, bag, whatever you buy for your child to collect candy in, just buy two. Then fill the second bag with the "safe" goodies then trade him/her when you get home. I've even heard of the Switch Witch too, kind of the tooth fairy concept. Have your child leave their Halloween bag at their front door when they go to sleep and the Switch Witch brings them safe candy and goodies in exchange. Something like that.
Sticker trade- Trade your child a sticker for each piece of candy that's not safe.
Plan ahead- If your child is very young, and you will only be going to a couple neighbors or even just family, bring candy to those people in advance and ask them to give that to your child when you arrive.
I know it's hard. You want your child to have everything that any other child has and more, but you'll get through it and your child will be happy to be celebrating with you. That's why I chose to head on idea. I always want open communication with my kids and I don't want them to ever feel like I've mislead them or sheltered them from the truth. To each his own I guess. Just remember to take your epi-pen with you just in case.
Happy Trick and Treating!!!!
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