After reading Jenny McCarthy's book called Mother Warriors, I've realized I'm not going to sit around and wait to see what happens anymore. I've been told my son will probably outgrow it. Just give him Benadryl and even worse, The EPI PEN if you have to. Well, I'm thankful to have those tools in my tool box, but I want to take an active roll in his healing. Not the sit back on egg shells and wait to see what happens method.
Now that I'm awake to this, the first thing I've came across is BioMedical healing. This address' vitamin deficiencies, toxin overload, immune deficiencies and yeast overgrowth. I believe Fisher's immune system and gut are fighting against him. I just started Fisher on a potent, hypoallergenic Multi Vitamin and a Probiotic that I found at Kirkman Labs. I suggest reading their "Beginner's Guide to BioMedical and Dietary Intervention. It's free and it helped me see the big picture. Also, I think everyone can benefit from Probiotics and I'm learning how sick and common yeast overloads are.
Next on the list, is muscle testing. I've recently heard of a couple success stories that have me convinced this is our next step. Basically, It sounds like realignment of the immune system. We see the specialist next month. Of course, this isn't covered by the insurance, but if 12-15 visits later, my son has ANY improvement at all, it will be worth it.
I believe the body can heal itself if given the tools. Here you go body, take what you need and run with it.
I reach out to parents that are on this trip with me.
Warm thoughts and hope today and for our future.
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