Tuesday, January 5, 2010


If your child has food allergies you'll need to restrict your diet while breastfeeding as well. When you get a sweet tooth you can have Oreos. I know there not the best thing for you but it works and there yummy!

A few things I wish I would of known about breastfeeding........

1. You will have an insatiable appetite!!!!!

2. When your nursing on one breast, the other will leak and soak your clothes or the baby if your not careful.

3. I didn't realize how much it would hurt. Try placing black tea bags on your nipples once a day before your baby is even born. I guess it's supposed to toughen up your nipples. I did this with my first son. While I was getting ready for work I would wear a sports bra and nursing pad and then put the tea bag in place. However, I ended up never really nursing him, just pumping milk and then feeding him from the bottle, so I never really experienced how painful it was. Now with my second son, I never did the tea thing and I'm actually nursing and man does it HURT! I'm going to try the tea bag thing again. I suppose it's never too late?

4. The pregnancy pounds will melt away!

5. Buy a good pump!! Nothing wrong with used. Ebay is a great way to find one and then you can just buy new parts almost anywhere.

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